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adam and eve had 33 sons and 23 daughters

After the world was formed, God finished His work of creation by raising one man from the dust and one woman from the man's ribs. Adam and Eve were super not happy about one son killing the other, but at least as far as Cain was concerned it worked out, because he got to marry his twin sister: As for Cain, when the mourning for his brother was ended, he took his sister Luluwa and married her, without leave from his father and mother; for they could not keep him from her, by reason of their heavy heart., The land of Nod isnt mentioned here, only that Cain took Luluwa away, to live near the place he killed Abel, which is just not acceptable. This assumption is based on the Bible telling us that Adam lived to be 930 years old (Genesis 5:5). But you must subdue it and be its master.. It says that After the birth of Seth, Adam lived another 800 years and he had other sons and daughters, (5:4) as if there was a long period where it was just Adam, Eve, and their two sons followed by a big expansion after Seth. Adam's sons apparently found wives among his daughters. Based on this the only logical ideology is that Adam and Eve did not have only two sons, but plenty of sons and daughters who married each other in order to reproduce. Christianity Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for committed Christians, experts in Christianity and those interested in learning more. The Bible tells us that after Cain killed Abel, he was banished to wander in the land of Nod. And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD. Their sons likely married their sisters because that would have been the only way to populate the earth. In 1998, Dr. Wallace and his colleagues discovered the X pattern, a very rare European lineage among the northern Native Americans such as the Sioux and Ojibwa. Dr. Wallace said we are also looking at the beginning of what we would call the Homo sapiens. Youre probably thinking, Oh gross, Cain married his sister! For most people, that might be where their knowledge of the story ends. You will be accepted if you do what is right, then watch out! Jacob married two of his female cousins (Genesis 29-30). Research tells us when Cain was born and Eve also gave birth to Cains sister called Luluwa. That means originally, close relatives like brothers and sisters married. Adamson was Adam and Eve's firstborn. In fact Jewish tradition states that Adam had 33 sons and 23 daughters! While today that would be creepy and illegal, following the lines of evidence reveals that it was healthy and normal back . The story of Adam and Eve's children Cain and Abel doesn't take up much room in the Bible. Clearly, people wanted to know about these women. This was possible, in part, because Adam lived to be 930 years old. Toll Free: 1(800)-422-4253 The Wife of Cain. The short answer: terrible. What did Cain give to God as a sacrifice? Original publishers: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, UK. Another page suggests that it is a footnote in the works of Josephus, whom I like to refer to as "Joe Cephas". But is this really a credible number? The first line of evidence comes from Genesis 5:4, which states, "After he begot Seth, the days of Adam were eight hundred years; and he had sons and daughters.". Four of which were sons and two were daughters. Ah, but Answers in Genesis lives up to its name and has an answer for that problem too. Therefore, according to Scripture, Adam and Eves family consisted of sons Cain, Abel and Seth, plus a minimum of two other sons and two daughters, giving a total of seven children. Wenham states that there is no indication that Cain and Abel, unlike Esau and Jacob, were twins. But everyone else pre-flood lived longer. Cain was afraid of his own brothers, sisters, nephews, and nieces, who were already born and would be capable of seeking revenge. One of the things the official Bible does a terrible job of explaining is where Cains wife comes from. The Works of Josephus. The real Garden Of Eden has been traced to the African nation of Botswana, according to a major study of DNA. WhenCain finds out its true he has to marry Aklia, he curses his mom. from your pastor, priest, or other trustworthy counselor, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. 2 Samuel 11:7 chapter context similar meaning . You see, when God created Adam and Eve, they were absolutely perfect. On the other hand, if you think that the act of incest could create hereditary diseases, that would have been impossible as Adam and Eve were created perfectly healthy, and based on these historical records the world was free of viruses or diseases up until humans fell into bad vices. Answer (1 of 30): The number of sons an daughters Adam and Eve had is not specifically defined in the Holy Scriptures. PTIJ Should we be afraid of Artificial Intelligence? While Cain and Abel were among Adam and Eve's first children, they were not their only children. The fact that Cain had a wife ( Genesis 4:17) is a further evidence that Adam and Eve had other children after Cain and Abel, but before . (Scientists could explain this by gesturing frantically at Joffrey Baratheon.) Geneticists believe this ancestral human population lived somewhere in Africa and also started to split up some time after 144,000 years ago; you can live or take 10,000 years, the, Mitochondria, which lives inside the human cells and outside the nucleus, escapes the shuffling of the genes that will occur between the generations and are, In principle, all people should have the same string of DNA letters in their mitochondria. CSB Adam lived 800 years after he . Most if not all books of all types are written in chronological order, not only because it is easier to understand, but it is also easier to write. Specifically, 33 sons and 23 daughters so 10 married nieces. Regardless, God does forbid incest later (and then quite firmly) in the Bible. Abel, in the Old Testament, second son of Adam and Eve, who was slain by his older brother, Cain (Genesis 4:116). The Bible tells us that God created the first man named Adam and from one of Adams ribs he created the woman named Eve. It says For as in Adam all die, so in Christ, all will be made alive (15:22) and that The first man was of the dust of the earth;the second man is of heaven (15:47). Wait daughters? The Conflict of Adam and Eve with Satan (viaSacred Texts) goes into much more detail. He lived for himself and got only himself in return. Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. What does the word sacrifice mean in Hebrew? In contrast, the next verse says that Abel gave the best portions of the firstborn lambs from his flock. Abel gave the best, and he took it from the first results of his labors, not as an afterthought or after he was sure he had a surplus. After a man has sinned against the Holy Ghost, there is no repentance for him. Reproduction Through Incest. In 2020, he won First Prize for Best Feature Story in a regional contest by the Colorado Press Association Network. I think these prolonged periods of human life were given by God to ensure that humans had enough time to reproduce and create a stable ecosystem. After eight days, the text says, Adam and Eve finally got around to naming the kids. One of the very vexed issues in human prehistory is the excellent timing and number of the migrations into the Americans. This happened during Pelegs lifetime, where interestingly enough the Bible in Genesis 10:25 tells us the earth was divided (see How was the Earth divided in the Days of Peleg?). Another perspective on the story represented by theologists is that Adam and Eve had so many children that it would take a whole library of books to describe the life of each. Why was the nose gear of Concorde located so far aft? This also means that Adam and Eve had time to give birth to many other children along the line, and a text within the Bible also states that Eve gave birth to sons as well as daughters, but very briefly and rarely mentioning this information. They often say Adam and Eve had to have been medium brown or golden brown in colour, as they had within them the genes/genetic information to produce all the divergent races of man This is a politically correct, condescending and inclusive argument that makes people (especially non Caucasians) happy, but it . Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. This is just a conservative estimate, as it is likely that they obeyed Gods first commission to: be fruitful and multiply., It is interesting to note that there is a tradition outside the Scripture in The Works of Josephus as a footnote which states: The number of Adams children, as says the old tradition, was 33 sons and 23 daughters https://www.ccel.org/ccel/josephus/complete.ii.ii.ii.html. This is not an inspired record, but Josephus was a reliable historian with access to writings and traditions that are now lost. Avid Writer with invaluable knowledge of Humanity! ", How do Theistic Evolutionists reconcile that Eve was called the "the mother of all living?". Theres no explanation for what either of their names mean or why they were given them, and theres not a hint of whether or not there was any inter-womb conflict between the two. It seems they would have likely had at least seven, as Cain, Abel and Seth are named. If these two pairs of siblings were supposed to populate the world, wouldnt the issue have been obvious pretty quickly? Evidently, God tolerated brother-sister marriages during the Genesis era. Do Men Still Wear Button Holes At Weddings? God accepted Abels offering but did not approve of what Cain brought. In Asia, there is a very ancestral lineage known as M, with the descendant branches E, F, and G, as well as the A through the D lineages, also found in the Americas. (This is where The Conflict of Adam and Eve with Satan goes against something the Bible says directly, rather than just embellishing information, since it states Adam and Eve only had five kids, and that Seth was the last.). Let's take a closer look at what the Bible actually says about these . It is believed by old Jewish traditions the children of Adam and Eve numbered 56. Why Do Cross Country Runners Have Skinny Legs? Cains works were evil and his brothers righteous (1 John 3:12). When God created humankind, he made them in the likeness of God. After this point, Cain had a son named Enoch and founded a city, and had various descendants who developed skills like playing music, forging metal, and nomadic herding (Genesis 4:17-24). Then Adam and Eve decided that their sons needed wives, and how to pair them off. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,600],'historyofyesterday_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_5',119,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-historyofyesterday_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0');What makes historians and some geologists question some of the statements made within the Bible is the strange order in which the events are presented. In principle, all people should have the same string of DNA letters in their mitochondria. So is this just another Biblical contradiction? At the same time, there are some statements that describe Cain simply meeting his wife, without having a more descriptive mention of Cains wife or her origin as a matter of fact. Adam and Eve had "other sons and daughters," and death came to Adam at the age of 930. Ok, I did some searching, and there seems to be some tradition that alleges Adam and Eve and 33 sons and 23 daughters. The story ofAdam and Eve's children Cain and Abel doesnt take up much room in the Bible. He just suddenly has one, even though to that point the only people in the whole world, as far as the reader knows, are Adam, Eve, and Cain (Abel having been murdered). So, its possible that in Cain and Abels period, human genetics were so good that all the biological problems that incest creates (mutations, etc.) Adam and Eve did have daughters. Cain and Able were the first two children mentioned, but that does not mean they were the only two. of Cain was upset and jealous of Abel as a result (Genesis 4:5), and God warned Cain to be careful: Why are you so angry? the Lord asked Cain. Weren't Adam and Eve the first people created? Scripture tells us that Adam lived 930 years. And her faith was rewarded, for Seth was the one through whom the godly line was to be perpetuated. He was followed by his sister and Eveson, the second son of Adam and Eve. In Africa, a single main lineage, known as the L, is also divided into three branches. In this article, we have discussed whether it is true that Adam and Eve had 33 sons and 23 daughters. in Jerusalem), it is. Your email address will not be published. The apostle Paul mentions Eve three times in his letters in 2 Corinthians 11:3 and 1 Timothy 2:8-14, and 1 Corinthians 11:8-9.. Why this shift occurred is hard to say. About UsContact UsPrayer RequestsPrivacy Policy, Latest AnswersBible LessonsBibleAsk LIVEOnline Bible. Because women were steadily spreading across the globe when many of the changes also occurred, some changes are found only in particular regions and continents. Dr. Wallace suggests a part of this group may have made their way to America via Siberia, even though no traces of the X-lineage have yet turned up in eastern Asia. However we interpret who Adam and Eves sons married, we are left with the fact that the Bible doesnt tell us every single bit of information we want. As Christ is the express image of His Father (Hebrews 1:3), so the Christian is to grow unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ (Ephesians 4:13). Genesis 5 records this: 1 This is the list . His sacrifice, made in 30 A.D., was the fulfillment of countless prophecies and promises concerning the Savior of man. 1:68-3 notes). Genesis 4:1-2 states that Adam and Eve had two children named Cain and Able. How many daughters did Hazrat Adam have? The significance of thirty-three is also seen at Jesus' death at the age of 33. This same passage also tells us that Adam lived for 930 years [Genesis 5:5]. 2022 - 2023 Times Mojo - All Rights Reserved 1 Corinthians 15 continues this method by describing Adam as the first human. References: Charles, Robert Henry [translator]. Living over 900 years means living ten times longer than we do today. So Cain married a sister or possibly a niece. How do I fit an e-hub motor axle that is too big? RT @BaddCompani: A little tidbit about the Bible, if it was accurate, then help me out with something If Adam and Eve were the first humans and they had 2 sons, Cain and Abel, and they had children, could you explain how this was possible, please? Despite this, the phrase Cain and Abel is known throughout our culture, and we all have a fairly good idea of what it means. What does the Cain and Abel story teach us? For some reason, it seems that the story told within the Bible used to be more explicit and was somehow changed throughout history, which would be the reason for the gaps between the chapters. Assuming that Adam and Eve were the first man and woman, and there noPre-Adamic beings that humans mated with, it would seem that Cain and Seth Eve must have married women descended from Adam and Eve. Gigantic Tree Stumps Are Now called Ancient Pyramids Mountains Of The Fallen Nephilim Giants.. PICTURE 13 Abel grew up to be a shepherd, producing wool.. A very old Jewish tradition, recounted by the first century A. . As established, we dont know when Adam and Eve started having daughters (or for that matter whether Abel had a wife and children unmentioned in the narrative). Weirdly, the Bible actually does say something about this, although you might not have heard it either. Very nice. He has contributed over 1,000 articles to various publications, including interviews for Christian Communicator and book reviews for The Evangelical Church Library Association. It had to be many, as they were commanded "Be fruitful and multiply" to populate the earth, but an exact number, based on the Bible, is not known. Dr. Wallace has recently been exploring the root of the mitochondria tree. Was possible, in part, because Adam lived to be 930 years old ( Genesis 5:5.! L, is also divided into three branches were absolutely perfect wouldnt issue. Jacob married two of his female cousins ( Genesis 29-30 ) in christianity and those interested learning. This method by describing Adam as the L, is also seen at Jesus & x27. Today that would have been obvious pretty quickly the official Bible does a terrible job of explaining is where Wife! 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adam and eve had 33 sons and 23 daughters