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breast numbness after open heart surgery

Hi Marche Glad to hear you are doing so much better. He diagnosed my with pneumonia, gave me 2 gnarly antibiotics the almost caused me to have kidney failure! After removing one of the veins to the leg, blood must find other veins to return from the legs to the heart. Women's Heart Disease Support Group and Discussion Community, I am 8 months post-op. I had my aortic valve replaced and one bypass. Im 12 years past a heart attack. Although most swelling and bloating will clear by 12 weeks, you may find that swelling ebbs and flows for up to 12 months after surgery. Thats what I was told by a prior cardiologist & the emergency room in a hospital 2 days before my emergency surgery! Copyright Regenexx 2023. Brachial plexus injury after heart surgery is rare, but can be seen in a couple of different forms. At least I pray it is muscle pain! Stretching may have been too muchsoooo will eliminate weight. Amiodarone (discontinued), Metoprolol Tartrate (reduced dosage), Clonidine, Furosemide, & Potassium. While we cannot give you medical advice, we may be able to help you find an FH specialist. They are called Lyrica. I dont chose to, is it too early to start having problems like the people on the post. hungry all the time- eating heaps of nuts. I would remain in the CICU for 3 weeks and when discharged I still felt like I needed a few more days to recover and gain some strength, but I too wanted to go home, I just didnt know how hard being on my own would be. Ive had my surgery 5 mos ago but still get it daily. Learned a lot about what tests really matter as you should. We meet three inspiring women who wear their scars with pride, and explain advances in minimising scars. Thank you to each of you for sharing your story. I started working from home from April first week (Couple of short online conf calls) Then from May I stated going to office from Morning until 3 PM. Have gained 15 of those back since then. Hi Debra.sorry to hear you are facing breathless problem.I was facing same issue when Dr. found blockage in me. Im hoping sleeplessness is caused by the meds and I will eventually get some sleep. I also am still experiencing some nausea and dizziness to this day, especially if I look up quickly or turn my head to talk to someone. It has been the hardest thing Ive ever been through, and Ive been to war three times. I was referred to a cardiologist who then advised me that it would be a case of when, not if Id need to have a valve replacement. Ive looked all over for a cabg forum but cannot find. I do OK some things make my chest burns , but other then that i do ok my scars healed really good . I live 2 hours away and so far he has only wanted his caretaker there. Common Complaints After Surgery. I notice that your valve take around 30 years. My Dr took me off it, and I feel better. There is a Graft (Tube like) in my Aorta and also St.Judes valve replaced. He is having a tough time we After open heart surgery how long it takes to be normal AGAIN .? I read in some blog that it is good to drink 2 glasses of beer and I had on couple of occasions. Any information is more than welcome. I am slowly getting back to exercising (playing tennis). Ivy had a bad IV stick in her hand during which they injured the cutaneous branch of the ulnar nerve. but will publish results here. Cost of Carafate extreme even with my ins. But, no.it feels to be another week of the same. I am just barely past 5 months from my OHS of triple bypass at the age of 57. So I preety much take care of my home and family. Gabapentin alleviates affective pain after traumatic nerve injury. I was walking at least 3 times a week before Christmas. Incidence and risk factors for postoperative lingual neuropraxia following airway instrumentation: A retrospective matched case-control study. Now full pescatarian and its been hard but, I dont want to see the OR again. Following surgery, your physician may ask to you complete a cardiac rehab program and/or implement sternal precautions, both can vary from physician to physician, as . Numbness has been identified as divergent from positive neuropathic symptoms and therefore excluded from some neuropathic assessment tools (Neuropathic Pain Scale for PostSurgical . The most common is coronary artery bypass grafting, which . In this procedure, which builds off our published work on treating spinal nerves with platelets, we inject the patients own platelet-derived growth factors that can assist nerve repair through cytokines like NGF, PDGF, and IG-1 (17,18). If you were put on bypass, it can cause these issues. So last night during dinner, I started getting mild but intensifying pain between my shoulder blades and,after about an hour of that, my breath started coming in shorter breathsAs I had a single beer with my dinner, Im thinking its gasthe Wife thinking Our 30 year relationship was toast.!! it really helps! Thank you so much. Sudden change in temperature does not help eaither. So just around 4 months now. The lack of a good night sleep is driving me nuts. So its kinda normal to feel a certain way. I'm just so frustrated. Also lost all normal taste. Now, sharp as ever. And it can last for hours or even days after surgery. It definitely can take a LONG time to feel fully recovered. I just cant seem to get with the program and am very scared I will not be able to. Im blessed. I am thankful to be a live and tell myself that over and over when depressed thoughts enter my mind! One of the medications I was given is Metoprolol but I had to stop takin it because it caused extreme swelling in my legs and feet and pressure in my head (particularly when bending over). Like I said, three weeks ago I considered myself on deaths door I couldnt breathe day or night I was critically ill and dying fast. I had triple bypass in early September and after the first few weeks felt good enough to start scrubbing our bathroom floors. Some days are great and some really scare me with the exhaustion and dizziness. It has gotten some better but not completely. Read More. I am tired and dont have the energy that I use to have. In fact, the survival rate for bypass patients who make it through the first month after the . Rehab is on hold due to COVID. The only problem I still have after almost 5 years is constant soreness and aches in the chest. I knew I was being poisoned but did not know which of the 13 tablets was killing me? Also had nausea and loss of appetite. I am still clearing my chest from a pleural effusion. I have been force feeding myself, because I have absolutely no appetite, Someone tell me when will I begin to feel better. Two days later I had complete renal failure and died, they debated whether to revive me, and I guess they tossed a coin but gave away all my compression stockings and some personal stuff when everyone thought I would not be back, they decided to jump start me. I had quadruple bypass surgery on February 13, of this year. Four major arteries have blockages, with one completely occluded but smaller blood vessels compensating. puts me at ease a bit with this normalcy but still frustrated with these bouts of fatigue , battery drainage Rehab 3X week with 2 self forced Gym visits in hopes of return or exceed to better lifestyle has its moments of interrupted exhaustion. "Chest wall pain after cardiac surgery may normally last 3-6 weeks, but may last as long as 12 weeks on rare occasions," says Dr. Michael Fiocco, Chief of Open Heart Surgery at Union Memorial Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland, one of the nation's top 50 heart hospitals. I woke up in the ICU to notice that the left side of my left hand was asleep you know, how your foot might go to sleep if you positioned your leg improperly for too long. Many patients will experience some amount of numbness and tingling as part of the recovery process. Early on, I found that the metoperal made me tired, lethargic, and not wanting to get going. I had a quadruple bypass on June 7, 2018, so its been just about three months. I am 67 YO and had a six CABG in September. 7. She sent me to wear a heart monitor, and low and behold, something wasnt right. And will I be able to do exercise as normal when I recover? She say's " just take, I am not sure where I am to go to talk about this as I have never joined a group beforeI am hoping this is sort of a support group for those of us with open heart surgery. It was diagnosed as Costachondritis which is basically inflammation from the cartilage between the ribs and the pain radiates from under the breast to shooting pains in the breast. Recovery was, as all of you know, very tough. I will be going back for my 6 months check up. at home I called my surgeon and was told they had no. Around 6-8 weeks are expected for the bone to heal properly (without any complications), while recovery from an open heart is variable from person to person. hi All, I just turned 40 and 2 weeks later I was having a heart attack, I drove myself to the hospital and Dr found that I was having an attack but manager to thrombelize so that reduces damage, I was blessed to find everything under control. You will notice it in small increments. Support and understanding/encouragement is so important!! . I have been through 8 serious surgeries this year and Im very blessed to be alive. I too in my opinion have similar moods to your partner.Had mitral valve open heart surgery on 30/4 then discharged 6/5.The last 3 days I got very angry irritable & fuzzled.. Lost about 20 lbs and have been able to keep it off. I also have Sjogrens and autoimmune disease. While I am exercising 5-6 days a week, can keep up with 20 year olds on the basketball court and can steal bases in my baseball league, routine breathing is still a daily challenge. Heat and sun in sw florida is a killer. Ride my bike daily, went on 8 kilometer trail hike with a friend the other day. I had the triple bypass. The vessel is connected below the blocked heart artery. I feel like an invalid. You have to remember that your body is still figuring itself out after the severe trauma of heart surgery. The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist. Some days its all day, some days Im ok. Initially I experienced all the usual side effects of OHS and over time regained strength and stamina. (I was shocked & terrified when my surgeon told me this was not caused by the harvesting of veins from each leg) Horrible, especially at night! In addition, the nerve is surrounded by a fatty sheath (myelin) that acts like an insulator covering a wire. I take homeo remedies for such acute problems. Mine is similar to yours Aortic valve replaced and Graft also.but im good, 2023 All Rights Reserved Family Heart Foundation. Ask your Doctor about it, also Continue to walk, if your doc permits. From 11/2 months post( and my experience) its a no brainer. Jennifer Whitlock, RN, MSN, FNP-C, is a board-certified family nurse practitioner. The pain gets better everyday and when it comes, I stretch out on the couch or the bed and rest for awhile. The WomenHeart Support Community connects patients, families, friends and caregivers for support and inspiration. Good Day to everyone out in heart disease land! Hugging my wife, watching the sun rise and set, a cool drink of water, a wave from a friend. I get tired and sleep alot. 2011 Jul 20;93(14):1288-93. doi:10.2106/JBJS.J.00369, (7) Khambati FA, Shetty VP, Ghate SD, Capadia GD. Thank you for the comments, I had my bypass about 11 months ago, and I still have a little discomfort at times, didnt know whether that was normal or not, but I am doing very good, I had a tightness last week and went to the emergency room, however everything was okay so I thank God for that. Surgically induced neuropathic pain: understanding the perioperative process. However, that information will still be included in details such as numbers of replies. A slight amount of facial nerve damage could affect a patient's ability to smile. Numbness and tingling are common after any sort of surgery, not just breast reconstruction. I was taken off the Vent 1 day post op and then had to be put back on the Vent for 7 days. Wayne2 questions: #1 are you walking every day? . I am fortunate in that I was fairly young (58) and healthy going in and the recovery has been mostly good. Hello Everyone, I thought I was alone with aortic disease until I read everyones post. Normally heart surgery is done by performing a vertical incision from just below the collar bone, to just below the breast. I really benefit from reading this blog.. I don't even know what everything on my las TEE means, and I have a nursing background. CT scans are more detailed than standard X-rays. Have recently been switched to carafate but too soon to know if it will work. As your heart recovers and your body heals, things will begin to taste better, you will have more energy, and you will be able to resume a more normal life. You may know how this feels. Home health nurse thinks it's gas, surgeon thinks it's mu, Hi.I am knew to this site.I will find out on Tues. when my open heart surgery will be.I have to have my aortic valve replaced.It only has 2 leaflets.I am still picking up my jaw from the cardiologist office.I am scared to death.I cry all the time and I'm loaded up on anti-depressants.Please I am seeking advise on how to stay in control and positive.I have always been very independent but,I assume, Hi, I am new to this site and this is my third post. This has been good for me reading all your stories. I had my surgery almost six months ago (triple bypass) I do feel a lot better then before the surgery but since the surgery I am very out of breath and my left breast is very sore. I feel quite fit and healthy. 26 days total in hospital for heart and kidney issues so its taken me a bit longer to recoup and get some strength back. I am quite nervous about being prepared, but I am getting through that. Hi all, i wish all and everyone are healthy and overcome this troublesome soon. Good-luck everyone! Thanks! Numbness can be an unexpected and bothersome reaction to surgery. Had a heart attack on 1/18/19 with bypass surgery three days later. The surgeon says that my hand should return to normal as the nerve regenerates over a few, perhaps six, months. Cough meds never helped but used pure honey and lemon/honey cough drops just to help me rest between coughs. You sound like me. The pain can also be a result of nerve going back into to place. Thanks to each and everyone of you who took the time to share your stories. Its nice to know there are other people that I can read about with similar issues. Take care. How long did you wait to get a mammo after OHS? There is probably more. Many symptoms including difficulty sleeping, dizzy if I stand up too fast, high HR, and irregular heart beats. after reading the many stories. I am scared to death to do this but i am at high risk so need to have it done. The reason they gave for only doing one artery was that the could not safely get to the second. On the other hand, exterior scar tissue can be painful. 2008;134(3):254-262. doi:10.1016/j.pain.2007.04.019, (16) Centeno C, Markle J, Dodson E, et al. Just started doing ten minutes twice a day on my excercise bike if this helps to get back to normal (what ever normal was before) but is this shortage of breath normal after reading some of the threads on here it seems that it is. Our hormones are different and our bodies handle all of this different. I know a heart patient can not carry on a long conversation, so I will let him talk when he can, and sleep when needed. I want to ask a question of anyone who has had open heart surgery and watched the Barbara Walter's special . I felt fine was cycling 20km regular and walking 10km regular and going the gym 4 times a week. Most of the pains from chest surgery are in fact pains from the chest wall adhesions and scar tissue. The symptoms gradually grew worse after many tests and rehab exercises. I had a triple bypass just about four months ago. Numbness that isn't limited to the breast has many possible causes, including: abnormal levels of minerals such as calcium, potassium, or sodium. This surgery is the pits! I mean no disrespect to many who have been there and done that, and those who have learned via traditional education or by any other means especially if they are men. I am NOT on dialysis so I celebrate that! Possible : . . 2015;2:156-64. doi:10.4103/2347-9264.160878, (2) Liang JQ, Chen C, Zhao H. Revision Surgery after Percutaneous Endoscopic Transforaminal Discectomy Compared with Primary Open Surgery for Symptomatic Lumbar Degenerative Disease. The only thing its so frustrating at times thinking to ones self its never going to end,but I suppose four/five weeks into it is still early days. I was given a larger dose of ameoderone for AF and told this should improve my erratic heart rate. Use a heating pad or ice pack . Things were fine and then i developed AF. Hope this passes soon, I had double bypass on April 3. This is normal and most chest tubes are temporarypain typically improves after the tube is removed. Thoughts suggestions? My Surgery was on March 20th 2019. mostly as a precaution. Liked your advice & staying positive. I think you are an Angel on your partners path and I hope your love and commitment to his recovery has been received with much gratitude from him as this dedicated care you have given will have proven to be the most vital aspect. Have a few more weeks of cardio rehab. Well that didn't happen exactly. Keep doing this for a couple weeks, then increase the weight to no more than 5 lbs. I have never been in a discussion group, so forgive me if i'm not doing it right. So glad I did because many have mentioned these symptoms. My experience is like yours.. doi:10.1097/SLA.0b013e3182701a7b. The concern I have is that I have a persistent sharp pain on the left side of my chest which feels like it's coming from my heart or my lungs. At Little Rock Cosmetic Surgery Center, we are not only surgically skilled, but we want to be as skilled in our bedside manner as well. Don't Get Enough Food or Drink. The worst part for me is still the numbness, burning of my chest incision, I suppose. One thing I have noticed is excessive yawning, even if I dont feel tired. Thanks for the blog. Keep in mind . If I push through some pain and walk a little more or do little extra physical activity, acute chest pain and SOB return and last for 2-3 days before leveling off. My Chest does still hurt especially if I roll over in bed and get in the wrong position I then go to the recliner. Ive been dealing with this since I was 7. There has been some huge progress since the surgery but it seems like there is a long way to go. Everyone thinks I should be better at six weeks but I cant feel my left breast is numb. I spent many nights rocking back and forth from severe pain in back and shoulder, then April 30, 2018 called my brother at 11:30 at night asking him to take me to the hosp (a different one from the one I was going to) cause I couldnt breathe from the pain. I said lets do surgery and replace the valve! This means your surgeon makes smaller incisions to access your heart. The surgery involves taking a healthy blood vessel from the chest or leg area. Job loss, purpose, etc. I am going to try to get back to walking and watching what I am eating. I performed the ultrasound-guided nerve hydrodissection with orthobiologics procedure a total of four times over about a year, injecting all around the nerves in the hand, the ulnar nerve at the wrist and elbow, and the nerves in the neck. Mostly, however, Im just so grateful to be alive. The Statins, and blood thinners, and fluid pills and I never knew what kind of day I would have. Is this normal? My cardio told me it was scar tissue and that arthritis has probably set up. Have any of your readers experienced this? Please keep your heads upIm sure it will get better. I have come to terms with it is was it is so get on with it . I take Norco aleasr 3 times a month. Greatly increasing pain with sneezing or coughing. It is a more intense way of blocking pain. To view original post visit: https://livingwithfh.blogspot.com/2016/07/life-at-five-months-after-open-heart.html. As I write this ( 5/13/2019 at 7:30 pm) I just this morning had a CT scan of my Aorta and have an apointment with my surgeon tomorrow. 45 days after my Surgery I took my first flight journey back to the country where Im working and started working. Great to read every ones experiences Im 64 smoked like a chimney most of my life so had all this coming .I am six months after my bypass. I have been told get used to it that is what often happens after open heart surgery. Thanks ladies for your replies. I am on my sixth week of recovery and experiencing sharp pains on left side of chest along with the numbness it is much to handle Doctor said it is nerve pains and it will get better! Before aortic valve replacement and repair to my tricuspid valve I was running 10K races at a fairly fast pace. I had a leaky valve repaired and a ring placed on it, because of my irregular heart beats the pressure caused the right side of my heart to be enlarged. 5 weeks after my quadruple Im improving slowly. Couch or the bed and rest for awhile weeks but I am getting through that is! Statins, and low and behold, something wasnt right is coronary bypass! Hardest thing ive ever been through 8 serious surgeries this year and Im very blessed to be live... Facing breathless problem.I was facing same issue when Dr. found blockage in me this means your surgeon makes incisions. 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breast numbness after open heart surgery